Productivity Club Scotland

Productivity Club Scotland is a network of businesses focused on doing things better. As leaders navigate the challenges presented by today’s environment, collaboration and support from peers has never been more important. The Club offers the opportunity to engage with a range of businesses across all sectors and discuss common business areas.

Productivity Club is delivered in partnership with the Scottish Government and aims to support businesses to increase their performance.

Membership and attendance to all events is FREE


The Club is a forum for networking and peer to peer learning. It also provides signposting to business resources which may be helpful for members.

Focusing on key themes which help increase productivity, the Club provides case studies directly from businesses like you on how they are making changes and realising benefits.

The Clubs meet regularly in-person or online in Central and South of Scotland, North East, Tayside and Highlands and Islands. We engage with case study organisations who reflect the day to day realities of running a business in a particular region or local community.

Club members come from across Scotland representing businesses of all sizes and all sectors.

Have a look at what our members think of the Club