Our Board shapes our strategic direction and business plan.
Policy Committee
Prosper’s Policy Committee is a constitutionally bound part of the organisation, comprising 45 members. It is the deliberative body established to advise the Board on policy priorities and work with the team and membership to generate positions of influence. Members of the Board are also members of the Policy Committee.
Nominated by Corporate Members
Alan Gilkison, Ryden LLP
Damien Henderson, Avanti West Coast
David Shaw, Shell U.K. Limited
Duncan Osler, Morton Fraser MacRoberts LLP
Gareth Fairweather, Ove Arup & Partners International Limited
Graeme Dodds, Jacobs UK Ltd
Hazel Gulliver, ScottishPower
Ian Smith, Diageo Scotland
James Park, Salmon Scotland Ltd
Jon Oakey, Port of Aberdeen
Stephen Christie, bp p.l.c
Stephen Sheal, Net Zero Technology Centre
Susan Love, ACCA Scotland
Nominated by The General Council of the Scottish Trades Union Congress
Rozanne Foyer, STUC
Nominated by Other Organisations
Alan Burns, City Building LLP
Alan Thomson, Scottish Water
Alastair Ross, Association of British Insurers
Andy Williams, 56 Degrees North
Anthony Allison, Wheatley Group
Cat Hay, Food and Drink Federation Scotland
David Lonsdale, Scottish Retail Consortium
Euan Leitch, SURF – Scotland’s Regeneration Forum
Gael Drummond, Firstport for Social Entrepreneurs
Hamish Trench, Scottish Land Commission
Ian Ritchie CBE, Coppertop
James Prentice, Skills Development Scotland
Karen Jackson, South of Scotland Enterprise
Kirsten Hogg, Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations
Martin Johnson, Highlands & Islands Enterprise
Michael Cross, City of Glasgow College
Mike Wedderspoon, The Scottish National Investment Bank
Paul Bradley, University of Glasgow
Paul Lawrence, City of Edinburgh Council
Shona Struthers, Colleges Scotland
Susan Moore, Scottish Enterprise
Susanne Cameron-Nielsen, The Scotch Whisky Association
Victoria Carson, The Wise Group
A representative from the Scottish Government
A representative from the Scotland Office
William Dowson, Bank of England
Secretary to the Policy Committee
Gareth Williams, Prosper